I am a Christian. I believe that there is one God. I believe that Jesus died and rose again. I believe one day Jesus will return for his children and that there will be a battle between the Devil and Jesus. I believe that the battle was already foretold and that Jesus has won.

I believe in the Bible. I believe that the Bible provides us with an accurate record of our past, instructions for our lives, and a detailed description of our future. I believe in prayer and asking God to help us solve our problems.

I believe in miracles and answered prayers. I believe in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. I believe that our stories have already been written and we are just playing them out.

I am a Christian, not a stereotype.

I believe in a lot of things. I also do not support a lot of things. Just because I don’t support something does not mean I judge you for it or condemn you for it. That is between you and God.

As a Christian I’m taught to love everyone. As a Christian I’m taught that no one is perfect, and everyone sins. As a Christian I’m taught that judging someone is wrong. So while you may believe that my disagreeing with you means that I’m judging you, it doesn’t.

People have been misled by the Christians that I personally call “Hardcore Christians”. These are the people that believe the best approach is shoving their beliefs down your throat. These are the people that tell you that you are going to burn in hell for your sins. These are the people that paint a “perfect” picture of themselves.

Like I said, no one is perfect. I am far from perfect, but I work on myself every day. These Christians are not perfect either, but I believe that they fear for others and it makes them come off in a way that can be a bit abrasive.

As Christians we are taught to spread the word of Christ. It is our job to try and save as many souls as possible. I think that this scares some Christians and that they aren’t sure how to present Christ in the proper way.

My God is a loving God. He doesn’t want anyone to suffer and doesn’t want us fighting with each other. My God is merciful. He’s given us Jesus, his only son, as a way to cover our sins.

When telling someone about God, I believe that Hardcore Christians make it seems more like a job with a demanding set of rules, but that’s not what it is. Christianity is not a religion for me. Christianity is a word that represents a very real relationship I have with Jesus Christ.

I don’t have to get on my knees, bow my head and close my eyes to talk with my God. It’s not required of me. God doesn’t say if you don’t pray like this I will not hear you or listen to you. I talk to God like I’m talking to a friend.

Yes, Christianity does come with a set of rules in the Bible, but have you read some of the rules that you don’t find offensive? “Thou shall not murder”. “Thou shall not steal”. 

“Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor”. Three of the Ten Commandments tell you not to lie, steal or murder. So maybe these rules aren’t as hard as you thought and maybe they are for our own good.

I’m not trying to force my beliefs on you. God gave us free will, and what you believe is your decision. I’m trying to show you that we are not bad, judgmental people because of our relationship with God. 

People are bad and judgmental because we’re human and have been given the freedom to be whatever we choose. I’m asking you not to judge me, the way you believe I’m judging you. Don't judge me when you're asking me not to judge you.

Best Wishes,

A Friendly Christian
