We’ve all experienced that one douchebag. The one that makes every other douche we’ve experienced in our lives look like some sort of angel.
He’s the one that left you feeling like absolute shit in the end. Like you couldn’t trust anyone, including yourself. Like your self-worth had plummeted to a level below hell that you didn’t even know existed.
This is the guy that broke you into more pieces than you’d ever thought possible because he was conniving and manipulative enough to be patient and build a level of trust with you that most asshats are too busy for.
He’s the biggest douchebag you’ve ever had the displeasure of coming across. You are completely convinced this guy wrote the book on douchebaggery. He played you like he was a professional.
Now that you’ve got that one guy in mind, here’s what I have to tell you...
If I know anything about douchebags (And I do, since I’m convinced I’ve dealt with a few of the douchebag book's authors myself), it’s that they are the most worthless pieces of shit you will ever come across. I’m dead serious here.
They know it and they feel so worthless and pitiful that they want everyone else to feel as shitty as they do. They want to pull you down to their level so they won’t feel as isolated and alone as they do, wallowing in their own misery.
They want you to question yourself as much as they question themselves. Hurting you somehow makes the dark, dusty, cobwebbed corners of their hearts feel like they’re not so dead and lonely. It gives them the sick reassurance they so desperately crave, if only for a split second.
Don’t give them that satisfaction. Don’t let them see that they've hurt you. Don’t let them feel like they've succeeded in any way.
Someone that can’t see how much you’re worth when they have you doesn’t deserve the honor of being able to break you. He doesn’t deserve to have that much power over you or your heart.
His fucked up worldview shouldn’t make yours any less beautiful. He doesn’t get to make the amazing person you are shine any less bright.
He doesn’t hold that power over you. Only you do.
So don’t give it to him. Don’t let a piece of scum like him change a thing about you or the way you view the world and yourself.
You are Fiji water dammit, so don’t let one jackass make you feel like dirty pond water. You are worth so much more than he could’ve ever given you, so be thankful that he’s made his way out of your life.
Now that he’s gone, you have room and time for someone that will love you more than you ever thought possible. Someone that will cherish everything about you and never dream of hurting you.
And him? The douchebag?
Well, he’s back to being the same lonely, bitter douche he’s always been, with his self-tormenting and wallowing.
So, I’d say he’s getting what he deserves, but if that’s not enough to comfort you, I’m sure karma will go after him one day...
But the best revenge you could possibly get would be holding your head high and moving on with your life. Be happy and enjoy who you are.
Show him what he lost.